Text in English|| Maududi ||Text in Urdu|| S A Maududi || Ibn-e-Kathir || Amin A. Islahi || Tilawat |Audio Tafseer | Dr. Israr Ahmad Quran Majeed Surah: 7. Al-A'raf ←|| |→9. At-Taubah |Foot Notes|
This word has appeared 76 times
|Surah| 8 |Juz| 9 |Ruku| 1 The Battle of Badr |Hizb|18 |Ayat| 0 |Next
snan= 001001
|s_arabic| |Listen|

|Transliteration| Bismi Allahi alrrahmani alrraheemi

|English| In the name of Allah, the Compassionate, the Merciful.

|Urdu1| اللہ کے نام سے جو رحمان اور رحیم ہے

|Surah| 8 |Juz| 9 |Ruku| 1 The Battle of Badr |Hizb|18 |Ayat| 1 |Next
snan= 008001
|s_arabic| |Listen|

|Transliteration| Yasaloonaka AAani alanfali quli alanfalu lillahi waalrrasooli faittaqoo Allaha waaslihoo thata baynikum waateeAAoo Allaha warasoolahu in kuntum mumineena

|English| They ask you concerning the bounties? Say, "The bounties belong to Allah and the Messenger. So fear Allah and set things aright among yourselves; obey Allah and His Messenger, if you are true believers.


|Surah| 8 |Juz| 9 |Ruku| 1 The Battle of Badr |Hizb|18 |Ayat| 2 |Next
snan= 008002
|s_arabic| |Listen|

|Transliteration| Innama almuminoona allatheena itha thukira Allahu wajilat quloobuhum waitha tuliyat AAalayhim ayatuhu zadathum eemanan waAAala rabbihim yatawakkaloona

|English| "True believers are only those whose hearts tremble with awe, whenever Allah is mentioned to them; whose faith increases when the revelations of Allah are recited to them; who put their trust in their Lord,


|Surah| 8 |Juz| 9 |Ruku| 1 The Battle of Badr |Hizb|18 |Ayat| 3 |Next
snan= 008003
|s_arabic| |Listen|

|Transliteration| Allatheena yuqeemoona alssalata wamimma razaqnahum yunfiqoona

|English| who establish Salat and spend in Our way out of what we have given them.


|Surah| 8 |Juz| 9 |Ruku| 1 The Battle of Badr |Hizb|18 |Ayat| 4 |Next
snan= 008004
|s_arabic| |Listen|

|Transliteration| Olaika humu almuminoona haqqan lahum darajatun AAinda rabbihim wamaghfiratun warizqun kareemun

|English| Such people are indeed true believers; they have high ranks with their Lord and forgiveness for their sins and most generous provisions.


|Surah| 8 |Juz| 9 |Ruku| 1 The Battle of Badr |Hizb|18 |Ayat| 5 |Next
snan= 008005
|s_arabic| |Listen|

|Transliteration| Kama akhrajaka rabbuka min baytika bialhaqqi wainna fareeqan mina almumineena lakarihoona

|English| (Now in regard to the spoils the same thing is happening again which happened when) your Lord had brought you forth from your home with the Truth, for some of the Believers were very much averse to it:


|Surah| 8 |Juz| 9 |Ruku| 1 The Battle of Badr |Hizb|18 |Ayat| 6 |Next
snan= 008006
|s_arabic| |Listen|

|Transliteration| Yujadiloonaka fee alhaqqi baAAdama tabayyana kaannama yusaqoona ila almawti wahum yanthuroona

|English| they were arguing with you concerning the truth, though it had become quite evident; they were filled with awe as if they were being driven towards death with their eyes wide open.


|Surah| 8 |Juz| 9 |Ruku| 1 The Battle of Badr |Hizb|18 |Ayat| 7 |Next
snan= 008007
|s_arabic| |Listen|

|Transliteration| Waith yaAAidukumu Allahu ihda alttaifatayni annaha lakum watawaddoona anna ghayra thati alshshawkati takoonu lakum wayureedu Allahu an yuhiqqa alhaqqa bikalimatihi wayaqtaAAa dabira alkafireena

|English| Remember the occasion when Allah was holding out to you the promise that one of the two hosts would fall to you: you wished the weaker host should fall to you: but Allah willed to prove by His words the Truth to be truth and to cut across the roots of the disbelievers


|Surah| 8 |Juz| 9 |Ruku| 1 The Battle of Badr |Hizb|18 |Ayat| 8 |Next
snan= 008008
|s_arabic| |Listen|

|Transliteration| Liyuhiqqa alhaqqa wayubtila albatila walaw kariha almujrimoona

|English| so that the Truth should come out as truth and falsehood should be proved to be falsehood, even though the evil-doers did not like it.


|Surah| 8 |Juz| 9 |Ruku| 1 The Battle of Badr |Hizb|18 |Ayat| 9 |Next
snan= 008009
|s_arabic| |Listen|

|Transliteration| Ith tastagheethoona rabbakum faistajaba lakum annee mumiddukum bialfin mina almalaikati murdifeena

|English| And when you were praying to Allah for succor, He answered, "I am sending for your succor one thousand angels, one after another".


|Surah| 8 |Juz| 9 |Ruku| 1 The Battle of Badr |Hizb|18 |Ayat| 10 |Next
snan= 008010
|s_arabic| |Listen|

|Transliteration| Wama jaAAalahu Allahu illa bushra walitatmainna bihi quloobukum wama alnnasru illa min AAindi Allahi inna Allaha AAazeezun hakeemun

|English| Allah told you this thing only as a good news for you, and to comfort your hearts: although succor is always from Allah: indeed Allah is All-Powerful, All-Wise.


|Surah| 8 |Juz| 9 |Ruku| 2 The Battle of Badr |Hizb|18 |Ayat| 11 |Next
snan= 008011
|s_arabic| |Listen|

|Transliteration| Ith yughashsheekumu alnnuAAasa amanatan minhu wayunazzilu AAalaykum mina alssamai maan liyutahhirakum bihi wayuthhiba AAankum rijza alshshaytani waliyarbita AAala quloobikum wayuthabbita bihi alaqdama

|English| And remember the time when Allah was giving you peace and security from Himself in the form of drowsiness, and was sending down on you water from heaven in order to cleanse you and to remove from you the defilement caused by Satan, and to strengthen your hearts and to steady your footsteps.


|Surah| 8 |Juz| 9 |Ruku| 2 The Battle of Badr |Hizb|18 |Ayat| 12 |Next
snan= 008012
|s_arabic| |Listen|

|Transliteration| Ith yoohee rabbuka ila almalaikati annee maAAakum fathabbitoo allatheena amanoo saolqee fee quloobi allatheena kafaroo alrruAAba faidriboo fawqa alaAAnaqi waidriboo minhum kulla bananin

|English| And remember when your Lord was inspiring the angels with this: "I am with you: so keep the Believers steadfast. I am now going to fill the hearts of the disbelievers with awe: so smite their necks and beat every joint of their bodies.


|Surah| 8 |Juz| 9 |Ruku| 2 The Battle of Badr |Hizb|18 |Ayat| 13 |Next
snan= 008013
|s_arabic| |Listen|

|Transliteration| Thalika biannahum shaqqoo Allaha warasoolahu waman yushaqiqi Allaha warasoolahu fainna Allaha shadeedu alAAiqabi

|English| This is because they have opposed Allah and His Messenger; whoso opposes Allah and His Messenger, surely Allah is very severe for him in retribution.


|Surah| 8 |Juz| 9 |Ruku| 2 The Battle of Badr |Hizb|18 |Ayat| 14 |Next
snan= 008014
|s_arabic| |Listen|

|Transliteration| Thalikum fathooqoohu waanna lilkafireena AAathaba alnnari

|English| This is the punishment for you: so taste it now: you should also know that there is the torture of Hell for those who deny the Truth.


|Surah| 8 |Juz| 9 |Ruku| 2 The Battle of Badr |Hizb|18 |Ayat| 15 |Next
snan= 008015
|s_arabic| |Listen|

|Transliteration| Ya ayyuha allatheena amanoo itha laqeetumu allatheena kafaroo zahfan fala tuwalloohumu aladbara

|English| O Believers! when you encounter, as an army, the disbelievers in a battle, do not turn your backs on them.


|Surah| 8 |Juz| 9 |Ruku| 2 The Battle of Badr |Hizb|18 |Ayat| 16 |Next
snan= 008016
|s_arabic| |Listen|

|Transliteration| Waman yuwallihim yawmaithin duburahu illa mutaharrifan liqitalin aw mutahayyizan ila fiatin faqad baa bighadabin mina Allahi wamawahu jahannamu wabisa almaseeru

|English| Whoso turns his back on such an occasion, except it be as a strategy, or to join another troop of the Believers, shall incur the wrath of Allah: Hell shall be his abode: most wretched is that place of retreat!


|Surah| 8 |Juz| 9 |Ruku| 2 The Battle of Badr |Hizb|18 |Ayat| 17 |Next
snan= 008017
|s_arabic| |Listen|

|Transliteration| Falam taqtuloohum walakinna Allaha qatalahum wama ramayta ith ramayta walakinna Allaha rama waliyubliya almumineena minhu balaan hasanan inna Allaha sameeAAun AAaleemun

|English| So the fact is that you did not slay them but Allah slew them, and you did not throw (the sand) but Allah threw it. (And the hands of the Believers were employed for this work) so that Allah would pass the Believers successfully through this excellent test; indeed Allah is All-Hearing and All-Knowing.


|Surah| 8 |Juz| 9 |Ruku| 2 The Battle of Badr |Hizb|18 |Ayat| 18 |Next
snan= 008018
|s_arabic| |Listen|

|Transliteration| Thalikum waanna Allaha moohinu kaydi alkafireena

|English| This is His dealing with you: as regards the disbelievers, Allah surely thwarts their evil designs.


|Surah| 8 |Juz| 9 |Ruku| 2 The Battle of Badr |Hizb|18 |Ayat| 19 |Next
snan= 008019
|s_arabic| |Listen|

|Transliteration| In tastaftihoo faqad jaakumu alfathu wain tantahoo fahuwa khayrun lakum wain taAAoodoo naAAud walan tughniya AAankum fiatukum shayan walaw kathurat waanna Allaha maAAa almumineena

|English| (Say to the disbelievers: ) "If you desired a decision, lo! the decision has come before you. It is best for you to desist from it now: but if you repeat the same folly, We will also repeat the same punishment and your forces, howsoever large their number, shall avail you nothing, for Allah is with the Believers."


|Surah| 8 |Juz| 9 |Ruku| 3 The Way to Success |Hizb|18 |Ayat| 20 |Next
snan= 008020
|s_arabic| |Listen|

|Transliteration| Ya ayyuha allatheena amanoo ateeAAoo Allaha warasoolahu wala tawallaw AAanhu waantum tasmaAAoona

|English| O Believers, obey Allah and His Messenger and do not turn away from the Message after hearing it.


|Surah| 8 |Juz| 9 |Ruku| 3 The Way to Success |Hizb|18 |Ayat| 21 |Next
snan= 008021
|s_arabic| |Listen|

|Transliteration| Wala takoonoo kaallatheena qaloo samiAAna wahum la yasmaAAoona

|English| Do not be like those who said, "We have heard," but have not listened to it,


|Surah| 8 |Juz| 9 |Ruku| 3 The Way to Success |Hizb|18 |Ayat| 22 |Next
snan= 008022
|s_arabic| |Listen|

|Transliteration| Inna sharra alddawabbi AAinda Allahi alssummu albukmu allatheena la yaAAqiloona

|English| for the vilest beasts in Allahs sight are those deaf, dumb people who do not use commonsense.


|Surah| 8 |Juz| 9 |Ruku| 3 The Way to Success |Hizb|18 |Ayat| 23 |Next
snan= 008023
|s_arabic| |Listen|

|Transliteration| Walaw AAalima Allahu feehim khayran laasmaAAahum walaw asmaAAahum latawallaw wahum muAAridoona

|English| Had Allah known any good in them, He would certainly have given them the power of hearing but if He had made them hear it (without perceiving any good in them), they would have turned away from it with disdain.


|Surah| 8 |Juz| 9 |Ruku| 3 The Way to Success |Hizb|18 |Ayat| 24 |Next
snan= 008024
|s_arabic| |Listen|

|Transliteration| Ya ayyuha allatheena amanoo istajeeboo lillahi walilrrasooli itha daAAakum lima yuhyeekum waiAAlamoo anna Allaha yahoolu bayna almari waqalbihi waannahu ilayhi tuhsharoona

|English| O Believers, respond to the call of Allah and the Messenger, when the Messenger calls you to that which gives you life. And know that Allah stands between a man and his heart, and that to Him you shall be mustered.


|Surah| 8 |Juz| 9 |Ruku| 3 The Way to Success |Hizb|18 |Ayat| 25 |Next
snan= 008025
|s_arabic| |Listen|

|Transliteration| Waittaqoo fitnatan la tuseebanna allatheena thalamoo minkum khassatan waiAAlamoo anna Allaha shadeedu alAAiqabi

|English| And guard against that mischief which will not bring punishment in particular to the mischief-makers alone from among you: and know that Allah is severe in inflicting punishment.


|Surah| 8 |Juz| 9 |Ruku| 3 The Way to Success |Hizb|18 |Ayat| 26 |Next
snan= 008026
|s_arabic| |Listen|

|Transliteration| Waothkuroo ith antum qaleelun mustadAAafoona fee alardi takhafoona an yatakhattafakumu alnnasu faawakum waayyadakum binasrihi warazaqakum mina alttayyibati laAAallakum tashkuroona

|English| Recall to mind that time when you were few in number and were regarded weak in the land, and were fearful lest the people should do away with you; then Allah provided you with a place of refuge, strengthened you with His succor and bestowed pure and good provisions upon you so that you may be grateful.


|Surah| 8 |Juz| 9 |Ruku| 3 The Way to Success |Hizb|18 |Ayat| 27 |Next
snan= 008027
|s_arabic| |Listen|

|Transliteration| Ya ayyuha allatheena amanoo la takhoonoo Allaha waalrrasoola watakhoonoo amanatikum waantum taAAlamoona

|English| O Believers, do not betray Allah and His Messenger nor violate your trusts knowingly.


|Surah| 8 |Juz| 9 |Ruku| 3 The Way to Success |Hizb|18 |Ayat| 28 |Next
snan= 008028
|s_arabic| |Listen|

|Transliteration| WaiAAlamoo annama amwalukum waawladukum fitnatun waanna Allaha AAindahu ajrun AAatheemun

|English| And know that your worldly goods and your children are, in fact, a test for you, and Allah has plenty for giving you reward.


|Surah| 8 |Juz| 9 |Ruku| 5 Badr a Sign of Prophets Truth |Hizb|18 |Ayat| 29 |Next
snan= 008029
|s_arabic| |Listen|

|Transliteration| Ya ayyuha allatheena amanoo in tattaqoo Allaha yajAAal lakum furqanan wayukaffir AAankum sayyiatikum wayaghfir lakum waAllahu thoo alfadli alAAatheemi

|English| O Believers, if you are God fearing, He will provide you with a criterion, and cleanse you of your evils, and forgive your shortcomings. Allah is bountiful in His favors.


|Surah| 8 |Juz| 9 |Ruku| 5 Badr a Sign of Prophets Truth |Hizb|18 |Ayat| 30 |Next
snan= 008030
|s_arabic| |Listen|

|Transliteration| Waith yamkuru bika allatheena kafaroo liyuthbitooka aw yaqtulooka aw yukhrijooka wayamkuroona wayamkuru Allahu waAllahu khayru almakireena

|English| It is worth-while to remember the time when those who rejected the Truth, were making plots against you to capture you or to slay you or to exile you. They were plotting their plots and Allah was devising His schemes: and Allahs schemes are most effective of all.


|Surah| 8 |Juz| 9 |Ruku| 5 Badr a Sign of Prophets Truth |Hizb|18 |Ayat| 31 |Next
snan= 008031
|s_arabic| |Listen|

|Transliteration| Waitha tutla AAalayhim ayatuna qaloo qad samiAAna law nashao laqulna mithla hatha in hatha illa asateeru alawwaleena

|English| When Our revelations were recited to them, they said, "Well, we have heard: if we will, we also can fabricate such things: for these are the same ancient tales which have already been told again and again by the former people. "


|Surah| 8 |Juz| 9 |Ruku| 5 Badr a Sign of Prophets Truth |Hizb|18 |Ayat| 32 |Next
snan= 008032
|s_arabic| |Listen|

|Transliteration| Waith qaloo allahumma in kana hatha huwa alhaqqa min AAindika faamtir AAalayna hijaratan mina alssamai awi itina biAAathabin aleemin

|English| And recall also to mind the thing they said, "If it is the Truth and has been sent down by Thee, rain down stones on us from the heavens or send down any other painful torment on us."


|Surah| 8 |Juz| 9 |Ruku| 5 Badr a Sign of Prophets Truth |Hizb|18 |Ayat| 33 |Next
snan= 008033
|s_arabic| |Listen|

|Transliteration| Wama kana Allahu liyuAAaththibahum waanta feehim wama kana Allahu muAAaththibahum wahum yastaghfiroona

|English| At that time Allah would not send down any torment on them for you dwelt in their midst: nor does Allah chastise people while they are asking His forgiveness.


|Surah| 8 |Juz| 9 |Ruku| 5 Badr a Sign of Prophets Truth |Hizb|18 |Ayat| 34 |Next
snan= 008034
|s_arabic| |Listen|

|Transliteration| Wama lahum alla yuAAaththibahumu Allahu wahum yasuddoona AAani almasjidi alharami wama kanoo awliyaahu in awliyaohu illa almuttaqoona walakinna aktharahum la yaAAlamoona

|English| But now there is no reason why He should not send torment on them, when they are barring the way to the Masjid-i-Haram whereas they are not its lawful guardians. Indeed the God fearing people alone can be its lawful guardians, but most of the people do not know this thing:


|Surah| 8 |Juz| 9 |Ruku| 5 Badr a Sign of Prophets Truth |Hizb|18 |Ayat| 35 |Next
snan= 008035
|s_arabic| |Listen|

|Transliteration| Wama kana salatuhum AAinda albayti illa mukaan watasdiyatan fathooqoo alAAathaba bima kuntum takfuroona

|English| And what is their "prayer" near the House of Allah ?: it is nothing but whistling and clapping of hands. So now take the chastisement and taste the torment in requital for your persistent denial of the Truth.


|Surah| 8 |Juz| 9 |Ruku| 5 Badr a Sign of Prophets Truth |Hizb|18 |Ayat| 36 |Next
snan= 008036
|s_arabic| |Listen|

|Transliteration| Inna allatheena kafaroo yunfiqoona amwalahum liyasuddoo AAan sabeeli Allahi fasayunfiqoonaha thumma takoonu AAalayhim hasratan thumma yughlaboona waallatheena kafaroo ila jahannama yuhsharoona

|English| Those who have denied the Truth spend their wealth in blocking the way of Allah, and will go on spending still more of it. But in the end, these very efforts of theirs will become a cause of their regret; then they will be overcome, and the disbelievers shall be gathered and driven towards Hell:


|Surah| 8 |Juz| 9 |Ruku| 5 Badr a Sign of Prophets Truth |Hizb|18 |Ayat| 37 |Next
snan= 008037
|s_arabic| |Listen|

|Transliteration| Liyameeza Allahu alkhabeetha mina alttayyibi wayajAAala alkhabeetha baAAdahu AAala baAAdin fayarkumahu jameeAAan fayajAAalahu fee jahannama olaika humu alkhasiroona

|English| so that Allah may separate the filthy from the pure and gather together every sort of filth and then throw the whole heap into Hell: they are the people who have, in fact, become bankrupt.


|Surah| 8 |Juz| 9 |Ruku| 5 Badr a Sign of Prophets Truth |Hizb|18 |Ayat| 38 |Next
snan= 008038
|s_arabic| |Listen|

|Transliteration| Qul lillatheena kafaroo in yantahoo yughfar lahum ma qad salafa wain yaAAoodoo faqad madat sunnatu alawwaleena

|English| O Prophet, tell the disbelievers that if they desist (from their evil ways), their past actions will be forgiven; but if they persist in their ways, all know what happened to the peoples before them.


|Surah| 8 |Juz| 9 |Ruku| 5 Badr a Sign of Prophets Truth |Hizb|18 |Ayat| 39 |Next
snan= 008039
|s_arabic| |Listen|

|Transliteration| Waqatiloohum hatta la takoona fitnatun wayakoona alddeenu kulluhu lillahi faini intahaw fainna Allaha bima yaAAmaloona baseerun

|English| O Believers, fight with the disbelievers till there is no more mischief and the way of life prescribed by Allah is established in its entirety.


|Surah| 8 |Juz| 9 |Ruku| 5 Badr a Sign of Prophets Truth |Hizb|18 |Ayat| 40 |Next
snan= 008040
|s_arabic| |Listen|

|Transliteration| Wain tawallaw faiAAlamoo anna Allaha mawlakum niAAma almawla waniAAma alnnaseeru

|English| Then if they desist from mischief, surely Allah beholds what they do, but if they give no heed, know it that Allah is your Protector, and He is the best of all protectors and helpers.


|Surah| 8 |Juz| 10 |Ruku| 5 Badr a Sign of Prophets Truth |Hizb|19 |Ayat| 41 |Next
snan= 008041
|s_arabic| |Listen|

|Transliteration| WaiAAlamoo annama ghanimtum min shayin faanna lillahi khumusahu walilrrasooli walithee alqurba waalyatama waalmasakeeni waibni alssabeeli in kuntum amantum biAllahi wama anzalna AAala AAabdina yawma alfurqani yawma iltaqa aljamAAani waAllahu AAala kulli shayin qadeerun

|English| And know that, whatever spoils you have got, the fifth of these is for Allah and His Messenger and for the relatives and the orphans and the needy and the wayfarers; if you have believed in Allah and in what We sent down on Our servant on the day of decision, when the two armies met in combat. (then yield this portion willingly) Allah has power over everything.


|Surah| 8 |Juz| 10 |Ruku| 5 Badr a Sign of Prophets Truth |Hizb|19 |Ayat| 42 |Next
snan= 008042
|s_arabic| |Listen|

|Transliteration| Ith antum bialAAudwati alddunya wahum bialAAudwati alquswa waalrrakbu asfala minkum walaw tawaAAadtum laikhtalaftum fee almeeAAadi walakin liyaqdiya Allahu amran kana mafAAoolan liyahlika man halaka AAan bayyinatin wayahya man hayya AAan bayyinatin wainna Allaha lasameeAAun AAaleemun

|English| Recall the time when you were on this side of the valley and they were encamped on the farther side and the caravan was below you (towards the coast). If you had made an engagement with them to fight, you would surely have evaded it (but there was a fight): so that Allah might accomplish what He had ordained, and that whoever had to perish should perish with a clear sign and whoever deserved to live, should live with a clear sign: indeed, Allah is All-Hearing, All Knowing.


|Surah| 8 |Juz| 10 |Ruku| 5 Badr a Sign of Prophets Truth |Hizb|19 |Ayat| 43 |Next
snan= 008043
|s_arabic| |Listen|

|Transliteration| Ith yureekahumu Allahu fee manamika qaleelan walaw arakahum katheeran lafashiltum walatanazaAAtum fee alamri walakinna Allaha sallama innahu AAaleemun bithati alssudoori

|English| And remember the time. O Messenger, when Allah made them appear in your dream as a small band.36 Had He shown them to you as a great army, you would certainly have lost courage and begun to dispute about the matter (the fight). But Allah saved you from this: indeed He known the very secrets of the breasts.


|Surah| 8 |Juz| 10 |Ruku| 5 Badr a Sign of Prophets Truth |Hizb|19 |Ayat| 44 |Next
snan= 008044
|s_arabic| |Listen|

|Transliteration| Waith yureekumoohum ithi iltaqaytum fee aAAyunikum qaleelan wayuqallilukum fee aAAyunihim liyaqdiya Allahu amran kana mafAAoolan waila Allahi turjaAAu alomooru

|English| And remember when you met them in the encounter, Allah made the enemies appear in your eyes as few and made you appear as few in their eyes so that Allah might accomplish the matter that was to take place: for ultimately all matters return to Allah.


|Surah| 8 |Juz| 10 |Ruku| 6 Success does not depend on Numbers |Hizb|19 |Ayat| 45 |Next
snan= 008045
|s_arabic| |Listen|

|Transliteration| Ya ayyuha allatheena amanoo itha laqeetum fiatan faothbutoo waothkuroo Allaha katheeran laAAallakum tuflihoona

|English| O Believers, when you encounter a host in combat, be steadfast and remember Allah very much: it is expected that you will obtain success.


|Surah| 8 |Juz| 10 |Ruku| 6 Success does not depend on Numbers |Hizb|19 |Ayat| 46 |Next
snan= 008046
|s_arabic| |Listen|

|Transliteration| WaateeAAoo Allaha warasoolahu wala tanazaAAoo fatafshaloo watathhaba reehukum waisbiroo inna Allaha maAAa alssabireena

|English| And obey Allah and His Messenger and do not enter into disputes with one another, otherwise you will lose courage and you will become insignificant (in the eyes of the enemy). Practice fortitude; indeed Allah is with those who practice fortitude.


|Surah| 8 |Juz| 10 |Ruku| 6 Success does not depend on Numbers |Hizb|19 |Ayat| 47 |Next
snan= 008047
|s_arabic| |Listen|

|Transliteration| Wala takoonoo kaallatheena kharajoo min diyarihim bataran wariaa alnnasi wayasuddoona AAan sabeeli Allahi waAllahu bima yaAAmaloona muheetun

|English| And do not behave like those who marched arrogantly out of their homes with great pomp and show for the people to see. They debar the people from the Way of Allah. For whatever they are doing is completely within Allahs grasp.


|Surah| 8 |Juz| 10 |Ruku| 6 Success does not depend on Numbers |Hizb|19 |Ayat| 48 |Next
snan= 008048
|s_arabic| |Listen|

|Transliteration| Waith zayyana lahumu alshshaytanu aAAmalahum waqala la ghaliba lakumu alyawma mina alnnasi wainnee jarun lakum falamma taraati alfiatani nakasa AAala AAaqibayhi waqala innee bareeon minkum innee ara ma la tarawna innee akhafu Allaha waAllahu shadeedu alAAiqabi

|English| Just think of the time when Satan made their foul deeds seem fair to them and said, "Today no one can overcome you, for I am with you." But when the two armies confronted each other, he took to his heels, saying, "I have nothing to do with you; I see that which you cannot see. Indeed I fear Allah, for Allah is very severe in inflicting chastisement"


|Surah| 8 |Juz| 10 |Ruku| 7 Enemys Strength Weakened |Hizb|19 |Ayat| 49 |Next
snan= 008049
|s_arabic| |Listen|

|Transliteration| Ith yaqoolu almunafiqoona waallatheena fee quloobihim maradun gharra haolai deenuhum waman yatawakkal AAala Allahi fainna Allaha AAazeezun hakeemun

|English| At the same time, the hypocrites and all those who had diseased hearts were saying: "Their Faith has made them crazy," whereas the fact is that whoso trusts in Allah (finds that) Allah is All Mighty and All-Wise.


|Surah| 8 |Juz| 10 |Ruku| 7 Enemys Strength Weakened |Hizb|19 |Ayat| 50 |Next
snan= 008050
|s_arabic| |Listen|

|Transliteration| Walaw tara ith yatawaffa allatheena kafaroo almalaikatu yadriboona wujoohahum waadbarahum wathooqoo AAathaba alhareeqi

|English| Would that you could see how it was when the angels were seizing the souls of the slain disbelievers! They were striking on their faces and hips and saying, "Now taste the torment of burning;


|Surah| 8 |Juz| 10 |Ruku| 7 Enemys Strength Weakened |Hizb|19 |Ayat| 51 |Next
snan= 008051
|s_arabic| |Listen|

|Transliteration| Thalika bima qaddamat aydeekum waanna Allaha laysa bithallamin lilAAabeedi

|English| this is the recompense for what your hands had prepared beforehand; for Allah does not do injustice to His servants".


|Surah| 8 |Juz| 10 |Ruku| 7 Enemys Strength Weakened |Hizb|19 |Ayat| 52 |Next
snan= 008052
|s_arabic| |Listen|

|Transliteration| Kadabi ali firAAawna waallatheena min qablihim kafaroo biayati Allahi faakhathahumu Allahu bithunoobihim inna Allaha qawiyyun shadeedu alAAiqabi

|English| This happened to them just as it had been happening to the people of Pharaoh and to the peoples before them: this was because they rejected His revelations and He seized them as a consequence of their sins, indeed Allah is All-Powerful and severe in inflicting chastisement.


|Surah| 8 |Juz| 10 |Ruku| 7 Enemys Strength Weakened |Hizb|19 |Ayat| 53 |Next
snan= 008053
|s_arabic| |Listen|

|Transliteration| Thalika bianna Allaha lam yaku mughayyiran niAAmatan anAAamaha AAala qawmin hatta yughayyiroo ma bianfusihim waanna Allaha sameeAAun AAaleemun

|English| This happened in accordance with Allahs way that He does not withdraw the favor He bestows on any people unless they themselves change their ways. Allah hears everything and knows everything.


|Surah| 8 |Juz| 10 |Ruku| 7 Enemys Strength Weakened |Hizb|19 |Ayat| 54 |Next
snan= 008054
|s_arabic| |Listen|

|Transliteration| Kadabi ali firAAawna waallatheena min qablihim kaththaboo biayati rabbihim faahlaknahum bithunoobihim waaghraqna ala firAAawna wakullun kanoo thalimeena

|English| This same principle was applied to the people of Pharaoh and the other peoples before them: when they treated the revelations of Allah as false, We destroyed them in consequence of their sins, and drowned the people of Pharaoh; all these peoples were the workers of iniquity.


|Surah| 8 |Juz| 10 |Ruku| 7 Enemys Strength Weakened |Hizb|19 |Ayat| 55 |Next
snan= 008055
|s_arabic| |Listen|

|Transliteration| Inna sharra alddawabbi AAinda Allahi allatheena kafaroo fahum la yuminoona

|English| Indeed the vilest creatures in the sight of Allah are those people who denied the Truth, and then would not believe in it.


|Surah| 8 |Juz| 10 |Ruku| 7 Enemys Strength Weakened |Hizb|19 |Ayat| 56 |Next
snan= 008056
|s_arabic| |Listen|

|Transliteration| Allatheena AAahadta minhum thumma yanqudoona AAahdahum fee kulli marratin wahum la yattaqoona

|English| As regards those from among them with whom you made treaties and who violate them time after time and do not fear Allah in the least,


|Surah| 8 |Juz| 10 |Ruku| 7 Muslims to meet Overwhelming Numbers |Hizb|19 |Ayat| 57 |Next
snan= 008057
|s_arabic| |Listen|

|Transliteration| Faimma tathqafannahum fee alharbi fasharrid bihim man khalfahum laAAallahum yaththakkaroona

|English| if you encounter them in combat, make of them a fearsome example for others who would follow them so that they might be unnerved. It is expected that they will learn a lesson from the end of the treacherous people.


|Surah| 8 |Juz| 10 |Ruku| 7 Muslims to meet Overwhelming Numbers |Hizb|19 |Ayat| 58 |Next
snan= 008058
|s_arabic| |Listen|

|Transliteration| Waimma takhafanna min qawmin khiyanatan fainbith ilayhim AAala sawain inna Allaha la yuhibbu alkhaineena

|English| And if you ever fear treachery from any people, throw their treaty openly before them; indeed Allah does not like the treacherous people.


|Surah| 8 |Juz| 10 |Ruku| 8 Muslims to meet Overwhelming Numbers |Hizb|19 |Ayat| 59 |Next
snan= 008059
|s_arabic| |Listen|

|Transliteration| Wala yahsabanna allatheena kafaroo sabaqoo innahum la yuAAjizoona

|English| Let not those who deny the Truth delude themselves that they have won the game; indeed they are incapable of frustrating Us.


|Surah| 8 |Juz| 10 |Ruku| 8 Muslims to meet Overwhelming Numbers |Hizb|19 |Ayat| 60 |Next
snan= 008060
|s_arabic| |Listen|

|Transliteration| WaaAAiddoo lahum ma istataAAtum min quwwatin wamin ribati alkhayli turhiboona bihi AAaduwwa Allahi waAAaduwwakum waakhareena min doonihim la taAAlamoonahumu Allahu yaAAlamuhum wama tunfiqoo min shayin fee sabeeli Allahi yuwaffa ilaykum waantum la tuthlamoona

|English| And to encounter them, provide whatever force and trained ever-ready horses you can afford whereby you may strike terror into the enemies of Allah and your enemies as well and others besides them whom you do not know but whom Allah knows. The reward of whatever you expend in the way of Allah shall be repaid to you in full, and you shall not be wronged in any way.


|Surah| 8 |Juz| 10 |Ruku| 8 Muslims to meet Overwhelming Numbers |Hizb|19 |Ayat| 61 |Next
snan= 008061
|s_arabic| |Listen|

|Transliteration| Wain janahoo lilssalmi faijnah laha watawakkal AAala Allahi innahu huwa alssameeAAu alAAaleemu

|English| And, O Prophet, if the enemies incline to peace, you should also incline to it and put your trust in Allah: indeed He is All-Hearing, All-Knowing.


|Surah| 8 |Juz| 10 |Ruku| 8 Muslims to meet Overwhelming Numbers |Hizb|19 |Ayat| 62 |Next
snan= 008062
|s_arabic| |Listen|

|Transliteration| Wain yureedoo an yakhdaAAooka fainna hasbaka Allahu huwa allathee ayyadaka binasrihi wabialmumineena

|English| And if they intend to deceive you, Allah is sufficient for you. It is He Who strengthened you with His succor, and by means of the Believers.


|Surah| 8 |Juz| 10 |Ruku| 8 Muslims to meet Overwhelming Numbers |Hizb|19 |Ayat| 63 |Next
snan= 008063
|s_arabic| |Listen|

|Transliteration| Waallafa bayna quloobihim law anfaqta ma fee alardi jameeAAan ma allafta bayna quloobihim walakinna Allaha allafa baynahum innahu AAazeezun hakeemun

|English| And it is He Who united the hearts of the Believers; even if you had spent all the riches of the earth, you could not have united their hearts by yourself, but it is Allah Who united their hearts; indeed He is All-Powerful, All-Wise.


|Surah| 8 |Juz| 10 |Ruku| 8 Muslims to meet Overwhelming Numbers |Hizb|19 |Ayat| 64 |Next
snan= 008064
|s_arabic| |Listen|

|Transliteration| Ya ayyuha alnnabiyyu hasbuka Allahu wamani ittabaAAaka mina almumineena

|English| O Prophet! Allah is sufficient for you and for the Believers who follow you.


|Surah| 8 |Juz| 10 |Ruku| 9 Muslims to meet Overwhelming Numbers |Hizb|19 |Ayat| 65 |Next
snan= 008065
|s_arabic| |Listen|

|Transliteration| Ya ayyuha alnnabiyyu harridi almumineena AAala alqitali in yakun minkum AAishroona sabiroona yaghliboo miatayni wain yakun minkum miatun yaghliboo alfan mina allatheena kafaroo biannahum qawmun la yafqahoona

|English| O Prophet! stir the Believers to the fight. If there be twenty men among you, who show fortitude, they will overcome two hundred men, and if there be a hundred such men of you, they will overcome a thousand of the deniers of the Truth, for they are a people who lack understanding.


|Surah| 8 |Juz| 10 |Ruku| 9 Muslims to meet Overwhelming Numbers |Hizb|19 |Ayat| 66 |Next
snan= 008066
|s_arabic| |Listen|

|Transliteration| Alana khaffafa Allahu AAankum waAAalima anna feekum daAAfan fain yakun minkum miatun sabiratun yaghliboo miatayni wain yakun minkum alfun yaghliboo alfayni biithni Allahi waAllahu maAAa alssabireena

|English| Now that Allah has lightened your burden, He has noticed that you are still weak: so if there be a hundred steadfast men among you, they will overcome two hundred men and if there be a thousand such men, they will overcome two thousand by Allahs permission. But Allah is with those people alone who show fortitude.


|Surah| 8 |Juz| 10 |Ruku| 9 Muslims to meet Overwhelming Numbers |Hizb|19 |Ayat| 67 |Next
snan= 008067
|s_arabic| |Listen|

|Transliteration| Ma kana linabiyyin an yakoona lahu asra hatta yuthkhina fee alardi tureedoona AAarada alddunya waAllahu yureedu alakhirata waAllahu AAazeezun hakeemun

|English| It does not behoove a prophet to keep captives until he has crushed down the enemies in the land. You desire the gains of this world, but Allah desires (for you the good of) the Hereafter; and Allah is All-Powerful, All-Wise.


|Surah| 8 |Juz| 10 |Ruku| 9 Muslims to meet Overwhelming Numbers |Hizb|19 |Ayat| 68 |Next
snan= 008068
|s_arabic| |Listen|

|Transliteration| Lawla kitabun mina Allahi sabaqa lamassakum feema akhathtum AAathabun AAatheemun

|English| Had there not been a decree that had already been given by Allah, you would have incurred a severe chastisement in consequence of what you have taken.


|Surah| 8 |Juz| 10 |Ruku| 9 Muslims to meet Overwhelming Numbers |Hizb|19 |Ayat| 69 |Next
snan= 008069
|s_arabic| |Listen|

|Transliteration| Fakuloo mimma ghanimtum halalan tayyiban waittaqoo Allaha inna Allaha ghafoorun raheemun

|English| So eat of what you have taken as spoils for it is lawful and pure. And fear Allah. Surely Allah is Forgiving and Compassionate.


|Surah| 8 |Juz| 10 |Ruku| 10 Relations of Muslim State with others |Hizb|19 |Ayat| 70 |Next
snan= 008070
|s_arabic| |Listen|

|Transliteration| Ya ayyuha alnnabiyyu qul liman fee aydeekum mina alasra in yaAAlami Allahu fee quloobikum khayran yutikum khayran mimma okhitha minkum wayaghfir lakum waAllahu ghafoorun raheemun

|English| O Prophet, tell the captives in your custody, "If Allah finds any good in your hearts, He will give you that which is far more and far better than what has been taken from you, and will forgive your sins: He is Forgiving and Compassionate".


|Surah| 8 |Juz| 10 |Ruku| 10 Relations of Muslim State with others |Hizb|19 |Ayat| 71 |Next
snan= 008071
|s_arabic| |Listen|

|Transliteration| Wain yureedoo khiyanataka faqad khanoo Allaha min qablu faamkana minhum waAllahu AAaleemun hakeemun

|English| But if they have any treacherous designs against you, they have already shown treachery to Allah. As a consequence of this He has given you mastery over them. Allah is All-Knowing, All-wise.


|Surah| 8 |Juz| 10 |Ruku| 10 Relations of Muslim State with others |Hizb|19 |Ayat| 72 |Next
snan= 008072
|s_arabic| |Listen|

|Transliteration| Inna allatheena amanoo wahajaroo wajahadoo biamwalihim waanfusihim fee sabeeli Allahi waallatheena awaw wanasaroo olaika baAAduhum awliyao baAAdin waallatheena amanoo walam yuhajiroo ma lakum min walayatihim min shayin hatta yuhajiroo waini istansarookum fee alddeeni faAAalaykumu alnnasru illa AAala qawmin baynakum wabaynahum meethaqun waAllahu bima taAAmaloona baseerun

|English| Those who embraced the Faith and emigrated from their homes and expended their possessions and their lives in the Way of Allah, and those who gave refuge to the emigrants and helped them, are indeed the guardians of one another. However, you have no relation of guardianship with those who have embraced the Faith, but have not emigrated (to Dar-ul-Islam) until they emigrates50 (to it); yet it is obligatory on you to help them in the matters of Faith, if they ask for your help, except against a people with whom you have a treaty.


|Surah| 8 |Juz| 10 |Ruku| 10 Relations of Muslim State with others |Hizb|19 |Ayat| 73 |Next
snan= 008073
|s_arabic| |Listen|

|Transliteration| Waallatheena kafaroo baAAduhum awliyao baAAdin illa tafAAaloohu takun fitnatun fee alardi wafasadun kabeerun

|English| As for disbelievers, they help one another; unless you also help one another, there will be mischief and great disorder on the earth.


|Surah| 8 |Juz| 10 |Ruku| 10 Relations of Muslim State with others |Hizb|19 |Ayat| 74 |Next
snan= 008074
|s_arabic| |Listen|

|Transliteration| Waallatheena amanoo wahajaroo wajahadoo fee sabeeli Allahi waallatheena awaw wanasaroo olaika humu almuminoona haqqan lahum maghfiratun warizqun kareemun

|English| Those who embraced the Faith, emigrated and exerted their utmost in the Way of Allah, and those who gave refuge to the emigrants and helped them, are true believers: there is forgiveness for them and the best of provisions.


|Surah| 8 |Juz| 10 |Ruku| 10 Relations of Muslim State with others |Hizb|19 |Ayat| 75 |Next
snan= 008075
|s_arabic| |Listen|

|Transliteration| Waallatheena amanoo min baAAdu wahajaroo wajahadoo maAAakum faolaika minkum waoloo alarhami baAAduhum awla bibaAAdin fee kitabi Allahi inna Allaha bikulli shayin AAaleemun

|English| And those who embraced the Faith afterwards and emigrated and joined with you in your exertions for the Faith, are also of you, but according to the Book of Allah the blood relations have greater rights on one another. Indeed Allah knows everything.


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